
Showing posts from October, 2019

reflections of a future self


perfectly symmetrical


Selective Editing


writing response

1. I think that she is trying to project that she is adventurous and bold. I believe this because in all of her photos she is in different locations, which to me portrays the sense that she loves to travel and explore the world. 2. Yes, I do believe that she was successful in portraying her adventurous and bold personality. I think this because Not many people would dangle their feet of the top of a building, and this shows that she is bold and brave and up for an adventure. I also believe that She shows her love for traveling and exploring by having all of these photos in different locations. 3. I do think she would be a good friend/ mother/ leader. I think this because she is very outgoing when it comes to her pictures. But the pictures also show time, and dedication, and braveness, and confidence because of the location, setting, and pose.